! title w/desc & button

Nam 300  vitae egestas urna. Etiam id lorem orci. Donec viverra, magna eget hendrerit mollis, neque diam sagittis dui, et tincidunt nisl massa ac eros. Nunc tristique libero quis tristique blandit. Aenean efficitur vestibulum nibh vulputate finibus. Morbi egestas, neque in sodales facilisis, lorem augue tincidunt mauris, id interdum lacus mauris ut lectus. Morbi id tristique mauris.

! 1 column

Phasellus fermentum, ipsum quis sollicitudin ultricies, enim lacus molestie diam, a dignissim orci nibh in mauris. Suspendisse tincidunt, mi vel mattis egestas, ante velit finibus velit, id congue ipsum purus nec quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In vitae accumsan nibh. Aenean vestibulum euismod eleifend. Phasellus id turpis sem. Vivamus fermentum ex eget enim consequat placerat. Phasellus vitae aliquam ipsum, id aliquam justo. Suspendisse id eros vulputate tellus ultricies condimentum at rhoncus sapien. Nulla in lobortis velit, vel congue ex.

Push me

! Ta-te-im

Suspendisse consectetur, purus id suscipit pharetra, nunc erat tincidunt felis, quis rutrum felis nunc in orci. Donec ut tempus est, id dignissim augue. Maecenas aliquam mauris sodales massa elementum volutpat. Donec lacus turpis, faucibus id dolor sed, rutrum dapibus metus. Phasellus ullamcorper, libero non vulputate pretium, elit nisi imperdiet ante, nec dapibus leo magna a erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent convallis lacus a dolor interdum, eu varius mauris rhoncus.

vegetables GO

! Te + im

Mauris congue ligula ac aliquam mollis. Cras bibendum rutrum erat. Nulla nec lobortis arcu. Maecenas odio sapien, dignissim sit amet dapibus vel, fringilla ac sapien. Integer et fermentum eros. Sed dapibus turpis a turpis interdum, non vulputate enim eleifend. Donec eget tristique nibh.


! 2 columns

Duis nisi erat, vehicula at massa eget, tempor malesuada erat. Suspendisse accumsan sagittis lectus ut finibus. Vestibulum id velit id augue rutrum pharetra non et est. Fusce non hendrerit dolor, ut semper lacus. In ullamcorper quam lacus. Nunc at mi ipsum. Ut pharetra feugiat lorem quis aliquet. Nulla neque sem, maximus eu ultricies euismod, mollis a arcu.

Maecenas et sodales neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida porta gravida. Nunc maximus justo quis efficitur tempus. Suspendisse est est, pharetra ac faucibus in, aliquet non massa. Nullam nec sodales orci, sit amet suscipit orci. Proin eu risus eget neque bibendum ullamcorper.

! multicolumn list

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in arcu magna. Fusce luctus libero at nibh lobortis congue. Sed lectus lorem, facilisis nec nisi et, hendrerit feugiat leo. Curabitur blandit lorem metus, eu suscipit massa condimentum vel. Nullam molestie, dui et sollicitudin convallis, lectus libero facilisis odio, ac aliquam diam erat vel orci. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus quam. Suspendisse a venenatis lorem, et blandit sem. Proin malesuada, tellus sed suscipit volutpat, nibh felis sollicitudin metus, ut facilisis elit libero ac ipsum. Sed tincidunt nibh et mauris consectetur viverra. Nam congue magna est, non faucibus dui dignissim vulputate. Aliquam scelerisque erat commodo tincidunt laoreet.

Nam vitae egestas urna. Etiam id lorem orci. Donec viverra, magna eget hendrerit mollis, neque diam sagittis dui, et tincidunt nisl massa ac eros. Nunc tristique libero quis tristique blandit. Aenean efficitur vestibulum nibh vulputate finibus. Morbi egestas, neque in sodales facilisis, lorem augue tincidunt mauris, id interdum lacus mauris ut lectus. Morbi id tristique mauris.

Suspendisse consectetur, purus id suscipit pharetra, nunc erat tincidunt felis, quis rutrum felis nunc in orci. Donec ut tempus est, id dignissim augue. Maecenas aliquam mauris sodales massa elementum volutpat. Donec lacus turpis, faucibus id dolor sed, rutrum dapibus metus. Phasellus ullamcorper, libero non vulputate pretium, elit nisi imperdiet ante, nec dapibus leo magna a erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent convallis lacus a dolor interdum, eu varius mauris rhoncus.


23 September

Community Servings and Research Partners Awarded Nearly $3 Million NIH Grant

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19 February

Too often, nutrition counseling at the doctor’s office has consisted of little more than advice to eat less and move …

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27 December

Newly expanded Jamaica Plain headquarters allows for more food production, doubling in programs

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17 December


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Braised Cabbage with Apples

This colorful dish is chock-full of healthy nutrients such as calcium, iron, folic acid, fiber, and vitamins K, A, C, and E.

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Client with cancer & COPD

The process of making a meal: the thawing, cooking, and standing over the oven can be so tiring. The meals are truly able to lift stress off of my daily life.

Client with cancer

Community Servings and their programs truly shine a light on humanity. There is some good in the world and I believe that Community Servings is the perfect example of this good.

Client's granddaughter

Not only does Community Servings provide my grandmother with meals, I believe they provide her with some independence knowing she can warm up a meal herself and not depend on anyone to do it for her – it means more than you can imagine.

Client with diabetes

I receive a diabetic, low vitamin K diet. Because I can’t cook like I used to, the meals help me manage my nutritional needs and focus on taking care of myself.

Single mom with breast cancer

Sometimes during my treatments, I wouldn’t even be able to get up. I wasn’t sure how my girls were going to eat. I was going through intense treatments of radiation and I didn’t even have the energy to take my children to school.

Client with several chronic illnesses

I already knew Community Servings because when I was healthy and working, I bought pies every year. But now as a client, the organization has been fantastic for me. It has really saved the day many times when I was ill.

Client with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

We are able to look forward to having a variety of good meals every day, from wild rice to homemade soups to fresh, in-season vegetables like butternut squash and asparagus.

Single mom with HIV

Before the meals, I didn’t have a way to make ends meet. I was so focused on my kids getting everything that they needed, that I wasn’t taking care of myself.

Client with several chronic illnesses

The meals from Community Servings act as a safety net in my life. It warms my heart to have someone who doesn’t even know you do something so kind.

Client's granddaughter

My grandmother, who is 87-years-old, receives food weekly from your service. As I was helping her put away the meals that were delivered to her, she expressed how very nice everyone is that delivers the meals to her. She raved about how very generous the program has been for her.

Client with heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, & COPD, who lives alone

The meals are fantastic and my family members really appreciate it, knowing that I’m eating well. I’m feeling really good and the meals are satisfying, too.

Single mom with multiple chronic illnesses

My kids and I are so thankful and think of you every time we sit down to eat.

Client with HIV, Hepatitis C, and chronic pain

I’m trying to change my diet. I’m pre-diabetic and am concerned with my sugar levels. I’ve spoken with the nutrition department and they informed me of things that I did not know before. I learned that vegetables have sugar and which ones would be healthiest for me to eat.

Client with breast cancer

Emotionally, the agency was there for me as well. I looked forward to the delivery drivers coming and taking the time to talk to me. Even when I was weak from my treatments, they would always brighten my day by offering words of encouragement.

Single mom with HIV & Type 2 Diabetes

Since I’m diabetic, the meals really help me with portion sizes. I’m not eating too much, and I eat the right desserts. I’m losing weight too!

Client with severe autoimmune disease who lives alone

Thank you so much for your healthy, nourishing food.  I deeply appreciate it.

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