This makes a great meal on a hot summer day. If you use canned beets, you don’t even need to turn on the oven. Beets provide many nutritional benefits such as disease-fighting antioxidants, cholesterol-lowering fiber, and they can even help lower blood pressure. So beat the heat with these delicious and nutritious beets!

This spring hash is a savory and hearty breakfast. It’s perfect to make and have ready to reheat throughout the week. Just throw another fried egg on top and you have a nutritious and quick breakfast that will keep you full.

This Egg Roll in a Bowl is exactly how it sounds. The yummy, healthy ingredients of an egg roll without the hassle of rolling them or the added fats from deep frying. In about 20 minutes, you can enjoy your favorite Asian side dish in the comfort of your own home.

Feel free to change up the meat or make it vegetarian with tofu or tempeh.

Our friends at Wulf’s Fish recently donated 5,376 portions of ChalkStream Rainbow Trout to Community Servings, which our team is using to make thousands of nutritious, medically tailored meals for our clients.

Check out their recipe for Rainbow Trout Fish Cakes with Yogurt Herb Dipping Sauce! 

This breakfast or snack cake is perfect for adjusting the ingredients to whatever you like or whatever you have on hand. Have too much zucchini? Use it in place of the apples or carrots. Don’t like coconut? Omit it and use some dried fruit instead. The possibilities are endless!

In about 30 minutes, and with just eight ingredients, you can prepare a delicious meal. This chicken in tomato recipe is simple to make and highly customizable! You can serve it with your choice of grain or side and the whole family will be satisfied.

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