The Bernie Smith Legacy Society

Planned Giving at Community Servings

Inspired by the generosity of Bernie Smith, a former client turned donor, The Bernie Smith Legacy Society is Community Servings’ Planned Giving program. 

As a client who received our medically tailored meals and nutrition counseling, Bernie understood the strong connection between healthy food and managing illness. Determined to do his part to bring our vital services to more people, Bernie made the first planned gift to Community Servings, which we received upon his passing.  

Every day, Community Servings hears from individuals and healthcare partners about people in our community experiencing the dual challenges of critical and chronic illnesses and nutrition insecurity. Thanks to people like Bernie and others who include Community Servings in their estate planning, we provide life-changing nutritious meals at no cost to thousands of people annually.  

Ways to Join

Becoming a member of The Bernie Smith Legacy Society is easy. Simply add Community Servings as a beneficiary in your will, retirement plan, life insurance policy, trusts, or other estate planning vehicle. As a member, you’ll receive special recognition and invitations to annual donor events, and know that your commitment and dedication to the mission will continue on as your legacy.


Charitable Gift Annuities: This is a simple contractual arrangement between you and Community Servings that produces an annual fixed income at a rate determined by you at the time the gift is made. We carefully review and approve each Charitable Gift Annuity agreement to assure our ability to honor the contract.

Charitable Trusts: Charitable lead trusts or charitable remainder trusts offer a way to provide for yourself and loved ones during your lifetime, lower your taxable estate and also support Community Servings. These may also be structured as testamentary trusts.


Bequests: Including Community Servings in your will allows our meals to continue without you sacrificing any of your assets while you may need them. Adding a bequest to your will is easy and can be done with a single sentence:

“I give and devise to Community Servings, or its successor, federal tax identification number 22-3154028, currently located at 179 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130, (written amount or percentage of the estate or a description of the property).”

Life Insurance & Retirement Plans: Naming Community Servings as the owner and irrevocable beneficiary of your life insurance policy may allow you to claim an immediate income tax deduction. In many cases, you may also elect Community Servings as a beneficiary of your IRA or other workplace retirement savings plans.

Real Estate or Property: Gifts of real estate or other property can make a significant impact on Community Servings. We would be pleased to discuss the possibilities and benefits of such a gift with you and your advisors.

For more information about the gift options above or other vehicles for a legacy gift to Community Servings, please review our Gift Acceptance Policy.

If you are ready to/ or have already included Community Servings, please complete our Bequest Commitment Form below and email to .

Please note: None of the information that Community Servings provides for planned giving is tax or legal advice. Any prospective donor should seek the advice of a qualified estate and/or tax professional to determine the financial consequences of their gift.

Already included Community Servings in your estate plan?

Please notify us so we may welcome you to The Bernie Smith Legacy Society. For more information about establishing a planned gift, please contact Luis Fortes, Major Gifts Officer at 617-522-7777 X290 or  

Commitment Form

Legacy Society Members

Mark Bastian
Barry Clayton
J-M Do
Janet Dracksdorf & Stephen Mills
Gayle Epp
Luise M Erdmann
Luis Fortes
Ronald C Gibson
Amy & Norman Gorin
Garrett Harker
Melvyn Krauss
Tim Leahy
Mary Loeffelholz
Bobby Morris
Tristram Oakley & Robert Stringer
James Rice
Linda & Michael Schmidt

Members continued…

Phil Schneider
Bernie Smith
Kirk & Nancy Smith
Tracey Ann Smith
Janet Stokes
Christine Turvey
David Waters & James Moore
Peter & Ellen Zane

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